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Poisoned Dwarf delivers a live performance like no other - whether it is the traditional tunes of Ireland and Scotland, or lesser known Celtic music from Spain, Wales, and France - their on-stage banter and camaraderie make you feel like you are sitting in on a traditional session at your local pub and having the time of your life!” Paul Vosteen, (“The Whistler “) Celtic Highways and Byways on Allegheny Mountain Radio



February 8 Yorktown, VA private event


March 12 Hampton History Museum, Hampton VA 6:00 p.m. https://hampton.gov/Calendar.aspx

March 14 Bally’s Dover Casino and Resort, Dover, DE 8:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. https://casinos.ballys.com/dover/events-calendar.aspx?date=3/14/2025&display=event&eventid=2368690

March 15 Flat Iron Crossroads, Gloucester, VA 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. https://flatironcrossroads.com.

March 16 Sanctuary Vineyards, Jarvisburg, NC 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. https://www.sanctuaryvineyards.com/events/leprechaun-party

March 17 Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, VA Festhaus 4:30 p.m., 6:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m.

March 20 Freight Shed, Yorktown, VA 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.


April 26 Southern Maryland Celtic Festival, Frederick, MD time 12:45 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. https://www.cssm.org


December 14 Emmanuel Episcopal Church, From the Parish House Series, Middleburg, VA 3:00 p.m.

Live Concert from the Hampton History Museum, March 15, 2023

Listen to “Bolt The Door”


What’s with the name?

So what is a Poisoned Dwarf? Well, it depends on whom you ask: Musicians say it’s the name of a famous bagpipe tune; Disappointed competitors say it’s what you call an unfriendly judge; Historians enjoy telling the story of the nickname the citizens of Midden, Germany gave the quarrelsome “Scottish Rifles” battalion posted in in their town after World War II; Others say, it’s just a clever term for cranky Scotsman. We like to think it’s a fun term for a rollicking, fast-paced, friendly group of musicians who love to play traditional Celtic music with a twist.

Poisoned Dwarf , the band, is a Celtic music group that plays virtuosic, innovative and passionate renditions of traditional Irish and Scottish music on acoustic instruments. Five talented musicians create a driving sonic energy that has been captivating audiences for over a decade with whistles, flutes, violin, guitar, percussion, and Uilleann pipes together with exciting and lyrical vocals. Poisoned Dwarf performs at a wide variety of musical venues from highland festivals to theaters, churches to sophisticated listening venues throughout the East Coast and even the occasional pub just for fun.

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